Penguin Night postponed until Thursday

Just a quick reminder that out big penguin event has been postponed until Thursday.

Our PALS in the park trip is also tomorrow.  If any other parents would like to join us to help out, please call the school to let us know.  We will be back before lunch.

Reflex Math

I’m am very excited to share that our grade 2 classes have won a grant to participate in Reflex Math!  I participated in a seminar last night to learn more, and many students had the opportunity to get started today!  

Please check zip bags tomorrow for your child’s log in and password.  This is a program I encourage you to take advantage of from home. 

….stay tuned for more details!

You are Invited!

Please check your child’s zip bag tonight for a handmade invitation to our Penguin Project Night.  There will also be a voicemail with further details.


Paper Mache Project

We are hoping to get started on a paper mache project on Monday.  Thank you so much for all the newspapers!  I am looking for a few volunteers who would like to work with small groups on making paper mache penguins.  Here is a link to give you an idea of how this will look/work.  I would love to have a couple volunteers on Monday from 11-12 and Tuesday from 11-12.  If you are available, please send me an email or call the office!  Thanks so much!


Make a Play Dough Penguin

Here is a quick tutorial on making a play-dough penguin.  If you make one at home, you can bring it in for show and tell.  We will put it on display for science fair night!


Hit the Button is a Hit!

I was introduced to a great Math game today and everyone loved it!  You can choose to play ‘Number Bonds’ or ‘Doubles’ for grade 2 level math outcomes.  Give it a try and leave a comment!

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