Our Baby Chicks – What’s Happening?

We are reaching Day 9 of our chick’s development inside the egg.  Here are some videos that let us see what’s happening in there!

Happiness = Success

What comes first the chicken or the egg?  How about what comes first success or happiness?  We already learned about how gratitude can make us feel happier…..now what?  Watch this….

Penguin Test Assignment for the Computer Lab

Assignment:  Please create a Penguin test using the information found on our class website (and outside our classroom door).  Your test should have 10 questions.  If you are working with a buddy, your test must have 15 questions.  You may type or write your test.  Tests are due Thursday morning.  This is an in class assignment, but you are welcome to work on it at home as well!

Your test must include one of each of the following styles of questions:

One Multiple Choice –

Example:  How many species of penguins are there?

a. 23     b. 18     c. 17     d. 11

One True or False –

Example:  Penguins are not birds because they cannot fly.   T  or   F

One Fill in the Blank –

Example:  All penguins live in the _____________hemisphere.

One Short Answer –

Example:  If you were a penguin what species would you be and why? Please answer in full sentences using 5 star writing.

You may also include other types of test questions such as a diagram, or matching question.

Example:  Connect the penguin to the proper description.

Emperor                                                          Has tufts of feathers on the sides of it’s head

Fairy                                                                  The largest species of penguin

Macaroni                                                          Has bluish feathers

Chinstrap                                                          A medium sized penguin with a white face and

stripe under it’s chin.

Penguin Test

I am amazed at the engaged and active learning that is happening.  Over the past few weeks as we have been studying penguins, I have seen the students grow and become independent learners!  They are showing excitement and enthusiasm.  Our penguin project isn’t just about ‘penguins’.  It’s a way for students to learn about research skills, note taking, brain-storming, and creating a finished product (and they are doing a great job!).

On Thursday, Feb.9th there will be a Penguin Test.  All the information that students need to know is posted on our penguin wall.  I am also sharing it with you at home!

The Penguin Test will include some multiple choice, true or false, short answer, and fill in the blank questions.

Here are all our Penguin notes for the test:


Rockhopper, Adelie and Macaroni

Check out these videos:




Penguin Projects

Our penguin journey has begun.  We began to research some facts about the different varieties of penguins yesterday and students began what will become a penguin mural for the school.

Today we discussed a very special population of penguins on Middle Island in Australia.  The Little Blue penguins there have very special guardians.

The Penguins of Middle Island and their Guardians: